These individuals often represent the most laid-back crowd but are also the most open to innovative and distinctive concepts. They might approach you with a clear vision in mind, as they tend to immerse themselves in research, seeking the latest tools to express their creativity.
This group exhibits a fervor for exploring laser effects in various spontaneous, real-world scenarios. While a forthcoming event might provide the financial incentive for them to indulge their laser interests, it's important to understand that their core motivation lies in the endless possibilities that their new laser gadget offers in the journey of life.
For this demographic, there's an obvious choice:
the LaserCube M5, crafted by
Newfeel Lasers. It's a portable, battery-operated device with easy Android system control via a phone or tablet. What's more, it packs a punch with impressive wattage, all within the most compact full-function laser on the market. When
the LaserCube first hit the market, a customer fitting this profile wasted no time and purchased two directly from The intrigue this customer felt can be easily appreciated by observing the LaserCube on display in our showroom below.

Spotting Unique Opportunities
Beyond the conspicuous indicators for identifying potential
NF-Laser users, there are hidden opportunities that, when overlooked, equate to leaving money on the table.
There inevitably comes a moment when a client seeks an out-of-the-box idea. This is your chance to shine as an innovative industry consultant. A multi-billion dollar toy manufacturer, having already acquired numerous lighting products from Newfeel Laser for their showrooms, truly grasped the value of
the M2-Laser product only after our presentation. They promptly acquired a 5-watt option, realizing the potential it offered in enhancing their product displays and showmanship. Initially, they might not have comprehended the technology, but they certainly appreciated its impact after witnessing it in action.
Most clients of this ilk understandably lack insight into what's commonplace for those of us entrenched in the world of lighting equipment and DJ gear.
Valuable Resources Not to Overlook
In my role as the Sales Manager and chief lighting programmer at NewfeelLaser, I have personally experienced the tremendous support from X-Laser when fine-tuning custom content for optimal playback. I can attest firsthand to the accessibility and willingness of their technicians to assist customers in seamlessly integrating and deploying their products. Whether you find yourself in a crunch, as I did when grappling with hidden issues in a company's unique logo font, or simply need assurance that your laser is functioning correctly, you'll come to appreciate the value of a company that fully supports its users. NF-Laser always has your back.
In Conclusion
To address this more directly, a common question among those relatively new to the laser industry, and still learning to advocate for NF-Laser products, is likely, "When should I suggest using a professional laser to my client?"
Through my years at
NewfeelLaser, I've learned that this is not a straightforward decision. Sometimes, a client's budget cannot accommodate such ideas, while other times, I've regretted missing a prime opportunity to propose a laser as a practical solution. With practice, I've learned to identify these opportunities. The first step is keeping these options in mind during casual discovery conversations.
Regardless of your intended use, understanding how to offer the right level of special effect design and recommend the appropriate X-Laser fixture(s) involves pinpointing key moments in open design discussions, aligning them with the client's objectives, and doing so with confidence and expertise. As an AVL provider, your knowledge and advice add value to the equation.
This journey starts with diligent preparation, having a structured framework for guiding conversations, and then diving right in. Your reward will be the pleasant surprise and enthusiasm you receive in response.
Explore NF-Laser's range of products to become familiar with the tools that will propel your event-based business to the next level. Visit to discover how we can assist you in selecting the perfect products for your shows and ensuring you have the finest DJ lighting to make your gig truly stand out.
About NewfeelLaser
Since 2007,
NewfeelLaser has been a cornerstone resource in the entertainment industry. As the original DJ store in Guangzhou, we have played a pivotal role in launching the careers of both legendary and local artists. Moreover, we've equipped top production studios in clubs with the tools necessary to bring their sets to life through visual artistry. Beyond sales, NewfeelLaser offers rental and repair services, as well as educational instruction in DJing, Music Production, and Lighting Programming.