- Description
- Specs
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货号 F3600-810D F3600--815D F3600--820D
红色激光 红3000毫瓦/638纳米 R4000mw/638nm R6000mw/638nm
绿色激光 G3000毫瓦/525纳米 G5000毫瓦/525纳米 G6000毫瓦/520纳米
蓝色激光 B4000nw/450纳米 B6000nw/450纳米 B8000nw/450纳米
扫描系统 40kpps 40kpps 40kpps
Skylaser Newfeel F3600 户外防水激光器
激光天空 Newfeel F3600 是有史以来最强大的激光投影仪模型,同时也非常坚固耐用,因此 Newfeel F3600 可以轻松应对道路上的严酷考验,同时也是一款壮观的永久安装照明灯具。
Newfeel F3600 拥有 10-20W 的 RGB 全彩激光投影仪效果,因此可以在可容纳多达 5,000 名客人的场地轻松产生明亮且引人注目的效果。
F3600 PRO是一款专为户外固定安装而设计的大功率彩色户外激光灯。目前已广泛应用于城市亮化工程、地标户外周末演唱会激光灯、小区

PRO 的防雨设计可固定在户外激光灯光秀环境中并长期使用。内置恒温模块无需为户外激光光束投影机配备额外的加热或冷却设备。
40KPPS 图形扫描仪
凭借强大动力和精密的 40KPPS 图形扫描仪,天空激光灯光秀 Newfeel F3600 还可以投射出数百英尺外的巨大、生动的图形。
由于集成了 ILDA/DMX512 信号/自走/主从控制,您可以产生所需的精确效果,因此您可以从专业照明控制台 (DMX、sACN、Art-Net) 完全控制灯具。其先进的混色技术可让您获得设置所需的精确颜色。高效、坚固且紧凑的天窗 F3600 可以提升您的照明设备并提升您的业务。
2. 您可以通过DMX-512信号控制F3600激光灯。

Power supply
AC110/220V, 50-60Hz±10%
Rated power
max 600W
Laser power
Laser modulated signal
analog or TTL modulation
Beam diameter at the aperture
max 7mm
Beam divergence
max 1.3mrad
Laser wavelength
red 638±5nm, green 520±5nm, blue 450±5nm
Scanning system
40KPPS high speed scanning
Control mode
international standard ILDA control /DMX512 signal control /self-walk/master-slave
Control interface
international ILDA DB25 interface, international DXM512 , can connect with American pangolin
laser software and tiger, pearl, MA controller,etc.
Safety function
one beam protection, no signal to close the light, etc
Suitable places
land mark bulding, theme park,dacing hall, club, big show and other enterntainment venues.
Working environment
outdoor /indoor (-30~40 degrees)
Protection level
flight case
How can I get the software in order to create new designs?
it should have come with an sd card a small one. The program is on the sd card that has the demos on it.
You need a PC or a laptop or tablet that has windows 10 to get to the program and make your own shows.
If you need more info feel free to contact me at any time and I will do my to help you. Welk has fun with yours.
Will the F3600 water projectors beam show on the water surface at night? For instance, we are doing a boat parade and I think it would be cool to look like fish in the water.
Hi. F3600 outdoor laser projector laser read ilda pattern?
Can you set the F3600 outdoor light projector to repeat one animation over and over again?
What are the output specifications of the outdoor laser light projector? mW ratings?
it is RGB10-20W which = red 638±5nm, green 520±5nm, blue 450±5nm; hope that helps you.