The Allure of Laser Art: Unveiling Why Light Always Captivates Our Eyes

The Allure of Laser Art: Unveiling Why Light Always Captivates Our Eyes

by Newfeel Ho on Sep 18, 2024

Throughout the long history of humanity, light has always been a vital element that captures our attention. From the twinkling stars in the night sky to the mesmerizing laser light shows in modern technology, the mystery and beauty of light continuously inspire artists to create. So, when it comes to laser art, do you have any knowledge of it? Have you ever wondered what kind of works can be created using laser lights? If you're not sure or feel that your understanding is limited, the following talented new media artists and their laser art creations might bring you fresh inspiration!

Initial x STUDIO NICK VERSTAND Art Exhibition

Laser Art
Last October, fashion brand Initial collaborated with Dutch artist Nick Verstand to host the "Initial x STUDIO NICK VERSTAND" art exhibition in Shanghai. Known for his innovative audiovisual installations using laser beams, Nick Verstand presented two laser installation artworks at this exhibition, offering a captivating sensory experience for the audience.
Laser Art
"Aura" — Nick Verstand
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In the piece titled Aura, laser beams emanate from the ceiling, constantly shifting in shape and color. The environment is filled with a lazy haze of smoke and light scents, encouraging the audience to slow their pace and savor the beautiful changes in the laser beams. Additionally, Nick incorporated EEG and heart rate sensors in the original version of the installation, allowing participants to unknowingly influence the laser light show with their own physiological responses while they are mesmerized by the display.
Laser Art
"Aperture" — Nick Verstand
In another piece, Aperture, laser beams spread from a single point, creating a confined yet open space, intensified by the surrounding smoke. Viewers stand within this optical illusion, deceived by the “enclosed” but open space, while the distant light source draws their attention, taking them on a journey of exploration into the unknown. It’s worth noting that due to the high energy and heat output of laser projectors, direct exposure to the eyes can cause harm. So, whether using laser equipment or attending a laser show, be mindful of safety precautions.

German Electronic Music and Laser Art: Robert Henke

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"From Inner" — Robert Henke
Robert Henke from Germany is not only a composer but also a talented laser artist and software developer. His laser shows often merge electronic music with laser lights, creating stunning audiovisual experiences.
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《Deep Web》——Robert Henke
In From Inner, Robert synchronizes the movement of laser beams with the rhythm of electronic music, showcasing how laser lights can interact with sound, delivering a unique and immersive experience for the audience.
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"Deep Web" — Robert Henke
One of his most renowned works, Deep Web, is a 60-minute audiovisual performance that uses 12 high-precision light projectors and 175 moving matrices to create a floating, three-dimensional sculpture above the audience. This piece not only explores the diverse applications of laser lights in art but also demonstrates the mesmerizing effect of combining lasers and electronic music.

WHITEvoid: Exploring the Complexity of Human Perception

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The WHITEvoid studio specializes in spatial, light, and media design, with their flagship work SKALAR being showcased at last year’s CTM Festival in Berlin. This large-scale light and sound installation employs dynamic mirrors, perfectly synchronized motion lights, and a complex multichannel sound system to explore the intricate effects of light and sound on human perception.
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The creators of WHITEvoid explain, "SKALAR reflects on the fundamental nature and essence of basic human emotions." The theme of the CTM Festival, “titular Turmoil,” meaning “apparent chaos, yet truly not chaotic,” aligns perfectly with the ordered but seemingly chaotic visual experience that SKALAR delivers through its meticulous mechanical and audiovisual control.

Jayson Haebich: Interactive Light Installations

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UK artist Jayson Haebich focuses on creating interactive light installations. His works combine laser technology with spatial design to produce stunning visual effects that engage audiences.
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"Star of Bethlehem" — Jayson Haebich
For the Christmas season, Jayson created an interactive laser light show titled Star of Bethlehem for Salisbury Cathedral in the UK. A massive, bright star appeared in the sky above the cathedral, adding a sense of sacredness and grandeur. Using two high-powered laser beams and a special screen suspended inside the cathedral, this 3D star could interact with the public via an iPad on the cathedral floor, allowing viewers to adjust the star’s color and motion. This artwork brings back the mystery and beauty of starlight, reminiscent of humanity's timeless fascination with the night sky.

Laser Art: A Deep Connection Between Light and Humans

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From Nick Verstand’s interactive laser installations to Robert Henke’s audiovisual laser shows, and Jayson Haebich’s spatial light projections, these laser artworks demonstrate the endless potential of laser light technology. Light is not only a visual aesthetic but also delves into the profound relationship between humans, light, and the environment.
Humankind’s curiosity and desire to explore light, from gazing up at the stars in ancient times to now, has never diminished. Just as shown in 2001: A Space Odyssey, light has guided us on a great journey into the depths of the universe. Laser art, on the other hand, offers us a new path to explore the unknown.
Why does light always captivate our eyes? Perhaps the answer lies in these laser light shows, waiting for us to discover.